Research Meetings
[16]. Abu Alhaija, R. 10th May 2021. Virtual (Google Meet). One ship to rule them all, one machine to find them, one spool to bring them all, and in the silk bind them: acquiring rich information from the poor marine ecosystem. Affiliation: Cyprus Subsea Consulting and Services
[15]. Alexopoulos, I. 26th April 2021. Virtual (Google Meet). Maritime edge computing IoT. Affiliation: University of Nicosia
[14]. Aslam, S. 12th April 2021. Virtual (Google Meet). Dynamic and continuous berth allocation using Cuckoo Search Optimisation. Affiliation: Cyprus University of Technology
[13]. Guillaume, V. 29th March 2021. Virtual (Google Meet). Explore or Exploit? That is the question. Affiliation: Open University of Cyprus
[12]. Hadjisolomou, E. 15th February 2021, Virtual (Google Meet). Marine Eutrophication in eastern Mediterranean and the associated environmental parameters for modelling it with the use of Artificial Neural Networks. Affiliation: Cyprus University of Technology
[11]. Evmides, N. 18th January 2021, Virtual (Google Meet). Employing fuzzy matching for cleaning manual AIS entries. Affiliation: Cyprus University of Technology
[10]. Kouspos, A. 23rd December 2020, Virtual (Google Meet). Innovation as key performance indicator: Case of U.S. and Oslo listed shipping firms. Affiliation: Cyprus University of Technology.
[9]. Christodoulou, K. 7th December 2020. Virtual (Google Meet). Mathematical/numerical techniques for solving the Helmholtz equation. Affiliation: Cyprus University of Technology
[8]. Hadjisolomou, E. 23rd November 2020. Virtual (Google Meet). Overview of Artificial Neural Networks as water quality modelling tools and their potentials. Affiliation: Cyprus University of Technology
[7]. Pieri, T. 9th November 2020. Virtual (Google Meet). CUT air quality installation and calibration. Affiliation: Cyprus University of Technology
[6]. Aslam, S. 24th June 2020. Virtual (Google Meet). Internet of Ships: A Survey on Architectures, Emerging Applications, and Challenges. Affiliation: Cyprus University of Technology
[5]. Lind, M. 17th June 2020. Webinar. Intelligent Shipping and Ports of the Future. Affiliation: Research Institute of Sweden-RISE
[4]. Andreou, C. 27th May 2020, Virtual (Google Meet). CUT. Forecasting the Baltic Dry Index: A Novel Approach. Affiliation: Cyprus University of Technology
[3]. Kouspos, A. 2020, 5th February 2020. CUT. The impact of shipping chartering policy on shipping firms’ financial performance. Affiliation: Cyprus University of Technology
[2]. Andreou, C. 22nd January 2020. CUT. Limassol Port Efficiency. Affiliation: Cyprus University of Technology
[1]. Aslam, S. 8th January 2020. CUT. Berth allocation and quay crane allocation/scheduling problem at maritime container terminals. Affiliation: Cyprus University of Technology