2nd International Conference on Environmental Design 2021 (Virtual Event)

2nd International Conference on Environmental Design 2021 (Virtual Event)

The STEAM members are going to actively participate and present a paper titled “Participatory process in environmental monitoring design: examples from the Port of Limassol” in the 2nd International Conference on Environmental Design 2021, which will be held online 23-24 October 2021.
The conference includes several interesting topics and multiple sessions, i.e.,
1. Role and Impacts of Environmental Design
2. Theoretical Design Issues
3. Sustainability
4. Environmental Impact Studies
5. Pollution (outdoor and indoor air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, noise and light pollution)
6. Design of Pollution Control (air, water, solid waste, noise and light pollution)
7. Analysis of Pollutants
8. Erosion, Protection of Specific Zones (Coastal Zone, Mountains,…), Geotechnical Projects
9. Impacts on the Environment from the Production, Transportation and Consumption of Energy, Energy Sustainability
10. Impacts of Transportation on the Environment, Sustainable Mobility
11. Environmental Design of Buildings and Cities
12. Climate Change, Meteorology
13. Mitigation of Greenhouse Gas
14. Impacts of Climate Change
15. Economic, Historical, Legal, Social and Political Issues of the Environment, Political Ecology
16. Environmental Education
17. Environmental Policy
18. Social Acceptance of Environmental Problems
19. Effects of Pollution, Climate Change and Environmental Parameters on Human Health and Ecosystems

Participation is free for all. On the webpage ICED2021, you can find the final program, the links, and practical information about the presentations. Below I provide the connection details for Room A for your convenience.

Connection Links

Room A

Meeting link: https://hou.webex.com/hou/j.php?MTID=m322b8047a727371aeebbd7773f39e326

Meeting number: 2734 375 0152

Password: rEcJ4TRMg34

Host key: 163093

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